Habbo Client
From Pool's Closed Wiki
Habbo Hotel has recently unveiled a public beta for their revamped client. If you click on the green box that says "Go to Habbo", you will go into the Beta client. If you click on the green box that says "Old Habbo", you will go to the old client. Known changes:
- Completely new layout and room navigation.
- It runs in Flash instead of Shockwave for better speed. Room loading has indeed sped up as has the interface and menus. Rendering/animation is MUCH smoother, making a dancing nigra all the more epic.
- Has resulted in a number of rooms going missing as they recode.
- Doesn't allow for automatic shouting. You have to hold down Shift while pressing Return otherwise it only comes out as normal text.
- Doesn't allow you to accidentally kick yourself through clicking on certain floor tiles, so you can't accidentally kick yourself when trying to block.
- Copy & Paste spamming method actually works for now.
Currently most hotels it has appeared in allow you to use the original shockwave client for now. It is highly recommended at this time that you use that for any serious raids. Use/adapt to the beta while doing your own blockades or random lulz-finding.