From Pool's Closed Wiki
This is the list of all the Moderators in the United Kingdom's Habbo server.
Please note that some MODs may have the same name as MODs in different countries. This is not an error. To make sure a MOD is in a certain country, make sure they have a home page.
If it says "Page not Found" (different from "Page not available"), this means that this MOD in this server does not exist.
If you are 100% sure there is a MOD that has not been listed, please add it to the list.
Also, make sure you add any new names to the LOLToast's raid tool's list.
Note: This list is not yet complete. If you are 100% that a MOD not already listed is used in the UK Habbo, please add it to the list.
- MOD-Aioria
- MOD-Supreme
- Thwap! (I'm not exactly sure who this person is, but I think this person has banning power.)