- Don't use: / or & in Article Titles
- Always capitalize atleast first word in titles unless it is something special that wouldn't be capitalized. ex: usernames
- Add article name + link in alphabetical order to the Glossary list after making a new page.
- Be sure Categorize articles if nessessary (Look at Table of Contents for a category tree).
To upload a picture:
Go to and browse for the picture you want to upload.
You can't upload .bmp files:
- If it is a elaborate picture, such as a real-life photo, turn it into a .jpg file and upload it.
- If it is a simple picture, such as a screencap from Habbo, turn it into a .png file and upload it.
Then, if the filename to be different on Nigrapedia than the original filename, type it in the "Destination filename". Then, add a summary to the picture. Things to include in a summary:
- Description of scene in picture.
- Date taken.
- Any other stuff...
To use a picture:
After you upload a picture, you will see that the title of the page you will be on will be, for example: Image:MOD-SolidState.JPG
To make this show up in an article, add [[ ]] to the edges of the "Image:MOD-SolidState.JPG". It should look like this: [[Image:MOD-SolidState.JPG]] while editing.
Once you finish doing this and completing the rest of your edit to add the picture, save the page and your picture should appear like this:
Adjusting pictures:
Using the last example, you can also choose where on the page you want to put the picture: left, right, or center. For example, to make a picture go to the right, make the image: [[Image:MOD-SolidState.JPG|right]]
To add a caption to a picture do this: [[Image:MOD-SolidState.JPG|left|frame|CAPTION HERE]]
Doing that, it should show up like this: